Remember The Rules Of 4-Way Stops

Publish date: 2024-08-14

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah – Four-way stops where no one seems to know when it’s their turn to go — it can be the most infuriating part of your commute.

Pulling up to a four-way stop when you’re the only one is no problem. But when two or even three other cars show up at the same time, then it can be intimidating.

First, when you come to a four-way stop sign, pay close attention to what other cars intend to do. Make eye contact and use your blinker if turning.

Generally, the right of way goes to the person arriving at the intersection first. But if two cars show up at the same time, the one to the right as the right of way. If the car is opposite you, then you can both go at the same time as long as you’re both going straight.

If one is turning left, then that driver must yield to the car going straight.

You can still pull into the intersection as you do at a traffic light. Once the oncoming car passes, make your left turn.

Never try and tag along with the car in front of you to get through without waiting. That’s not how it works.

Always yield to pedestrians, and stop behind the crosswalk.

Remember that if you encounter an intersection where the traffic lights are flashing red or aren’t working at all, treat it as a four-way stop.
